Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Salt and Light

Matt 5:13-16
13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Last day of "Hver dag"

Friday 16th, April was my last day for working at internship place, Vågsbygd church in Kristiansand where the kids are always cute and friendly; this day, there was one thing that very surprise me, I saw many of them were pay attention to work on the table and I was the one who very curiouse to know as usual what are they doing, but they tried to hide me seemed they had secret on their papers. Finally, I knew what they have done because they gave it to me as a gift and memmories. Well, it was the wonderful arts book by drawing and coloring inside with their creative ideas, I like it very much and I was so proud of them and happy by that time and I still remember until now. It's one of good memmories and unforgetable during staying here.
Thanks my lovely kids !

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Weekend (17th-19th, April 2010) all Connect students had a good time with NMS in Kristiansand.
On Friday 17th we enjoyed evening at Hægeland with the youth, we had a lot of funny activities: Thai dance with Lao and Norwegians, sketch of Norwegians from international students; it's about what they experienced during staying in Norway. It was very funny..! and there's also had very nice songs from Norwegian singer.

On Saturday 18th, we had nice evening at NMS center with the youth. We had food from difference countries: Laos, Thailand, Brazil, Cameroon, and Norway. And of course we had others things such music, devotion, lottery..!

On Sunday 19th, we were gathering at Lund Church. In the morning they had church service as usual, but this Sunday is almost about the mission in Laos through the project that NMS works. After service we had mission market from difference countries to introduce what we have, and how we are difference around the world that God has created. In the afternoon, we still had entertainments for the people for relaxing.

Special thanks should go to all of you who work for the mission in Laos and around the world, and blessed from our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you !

Friday, May 28, 2010

Recitation about "Money"

1. With money you can buy a house but not home.
2. With money you can buy a clock but not a time.
3. With money you can buy a bed but not sleep.
4. With money you can buy a book but not knowledge.
5. With money you can see a doctor but a good health.
6. With money you can buy position but not respect.
7. With money you can buy blood but not life.
But God(Jesus) is every thing !

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

17th May

17th of May is well known as Norway National's Day. Everyone was looking forward for that, they celabate this day by parade. We are as students at Hald in Norway, so we also had parade around the town, Mandal. People looked very nice and special for this day, we had traditional castume from each countries and of course Norwegians they had their bautiful castume, after the parade we came back to Hald and played games, and ate babeque outside. There were lots of fun and happiness. It's been a great time and wonderful moment during this year for me and for the others as well, I guess.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last week in Kristiansand

18-25 May, 2010

One week I feel very-very short for visiting internship place, host family, people I have known, the places I like to go and love to stay. However, it was wonderful time that we could meet each other again especially host family, they are always welcome and kind to the people and of course includes me. At home we had three days Lao food dinner, actually I would like to have Norwegian food but I also would like to cook for them. We have had good time and good fellowship by God's grace and the Holy Spirit.
The first evening I went to Misjonshuset for internatoinal fellowship as many times I have been there. It was very good preaching, as I remember it's about how to look at or consider the people, it's not only consider on what we have seen outside that how they dress up or make up even appearance, but consider deeply inside to their heart, their actions to the others, we think about what they have done for others and for God. It was wonderful evening to listen the words from God, with the people in God, Jesus.

On Wednesday 19th I went to visit NMS office ofcource I meant the staffs, we had lunch there as usual. The others days, I visited the kids and staffs who I worked and played together. On Friday was the last day of "Hver dag" at Vågsbygd church for this term, so we celebrated outside the church. There were many kids and several activities, but it was a little bit sad for me because I couldn't stay until the end. But it was nice to meet the kids and leaders, they are always kind and cute, we had a lot of HUGS...! Then I went to Ravneddalen Park, we climb up to the top of the mountain to see the view of Kristiansand, it was so nice town which surrounded by the seas, a lot of mountain and the green leaves on the trees in Spring time, and of course I went there with nice people, we were guided by Norwegian man, he is so so kind and nice person, not only that one he's also had good dinner for us at his house.
Umm...! The time is running, the days has gone...suddenly I had to go back to school. It's hard to say good bye to the people I have known; while I'm sitting on the bus, I felt that there was a little rain came to my eyes, I don't want to leave there. One week is too short for me, I wish I have been there again, but I don't know how to reach there, I'm only sure that God is great, He is only one Who knows and has plans for His children and guides us wherever we go

Thank you Lord for wonderful time, Blessing from you to all those people !

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Asia Evening

Asia evening was held on 13th May, 2010 at "Hald", gathering all Hald’s students. There were many programs happened which prepared by the students from Asia (Laos, Thailand, China, Nepal and Bangladesh) and Norwegians students who have been to Asia. There were food from each countries then followed by Thai dancing, Tai-jee, funny sketch, Song-Kan (Lao_Thai New Year, purring water to one another for blessing),… to share a little about Asia culture to people who unknown. It was very wonderful time; we had a lot of food and lots of fun altogether.